Studio Series Harold



Description: Focusing on the classic form, the ‘Harold’, this class will explore tools such as gameplay, deconstructing themes, and developing and utilizing groupmind while exploring one of improvisation's most popular formats.

Goal: To build groupmind with an ensemble, develop and refine students' ability to complete all three beats of a Harold.

Prerequisite: By audition and invitation only.

Class Size: 9 people max.

Duration: 7 weeks. 21 hours

Location: Bad Dog Studios - 392 Spadina Ave

Instructor: Alex Tindal
Alex Tindal, Director
Tuesdays 6pm-9pm (3 Hours)
Level 1: July 9 - August 20 (7 Weeks)
Level 2: September 10 - October 22 (7 Weeks)
Level 3: November 5 - December 17 (7 Weeks)
COST: $300+HST each term

(Please Note: There are 2 student process showcases for this class that will take place during the term. Dates and Locations TBD).

VENUE ACCESSIBILITY: This class location may not be fully wheelchair accessible.
Please note all Studio Series classes are by audition. Only register here if you’ve been offered placement. If you would like to audition for a future Narrative Longform Studio, please let us know via this form.