
For over 35 years, Bad Dog Theatre Company has specialized in the art of unscripted comedy and improvised performance in Toronto, while also providing excellent, affordable and welcoming improv training. Since March 2020, we’ve expanded our operations online to include Bad Dog Comedy TV and Bad Dog Comedy Classes. Bad Dog Theatre Company is a registered charity supported by sponsors and donors.  

If you’d like to reach out to us about future job postings and volunteer opportunities, contact us at info@baddogtheatre.com


Calling all volunteers! Delta Bingo is a proud sponsor and supporter of several arts organizations in Ontario. Currently, there is a open call for volunteers for Delta Bingo's live bingo events. 

Description: Help fundraise for Ontario arts organizations, meet new people, and have fun! Volunteers will assist with greeting guests, distributing supplies, and more.

Each event is two hours long. Volunteers have the option of assisting with a single event, or help with multiples dates.

Location: Delta Bingo - St. Clair, 1799 St Clair Ave W, Toronto, ON M6N 1J9 (St. Clair W. and Weston/Keele)

Dates: May 24 - June 22, 2022

Please Note: A 35 mins online training is session is mandatory to participate.

If you're interested in this volunteer opportunity, please email us at info@baddogtheatre.com before May 1, 2022.